Published Work: Book ~ At Your Age You're Having a WHAT!
The Advantages of Mature Maternity

by Rita Abrams, illustrated by Ellen Blonder*

At Your Age You're Having a WHAT! The advantages of Mature Maternity


"One look at Ellen Blonder's first drawing, and I knew I'd found the perfect artist. On the left was the profile of a portly but not pregnant middle-aged woman; and on the right was the exact same profile, but with a little foot sticking out of her belly.

And thus began a fabulous collaboration, and a fulfilling life-long friendship. Our daughters, Mia and Lisa, are 25 now, and also best friends. And while the book remains surprisingly relevant, the age of the "mature" mother seems to keep creeping up."
* http://www.ellenblonder.com/

"A wonderful cartoon book, filled with funny drawings, insights, and truth"

-Charles Schulz


Rita and Mia"Not so terribly long ago, a woman who made it through her twenties without marrying and bearing her full quota of babies was the object of grave concern to friends and relatives. And if, heaven forbid, her situation didn't change as she lumbered on toward thirty-five, the concern turned to pity.

Well, things have changed, as you probably know or you wouldn't have picked up this book. The phenomenon of "Mature Maternity" is spreading across the land faster than a fast food franchise.

In the hope of exploiting and capitalizing on this situation, we have conducted a half-baked, haphazard survey of women who have gone from Over the Hill to Over the Pill. Using extensive interviews and observations of the women pictured in this book, we have uncovered nearly sufficient evidence to support the following conclusions about Mature Maternity:

1. It's Easier.
2. It's Good for You.
3. It Makes You a Better Mother.
If after studying this book carefully, you do not agree with our conclusions, please do not under any circumstances contact us. We'll be too frazzled, disorganized, and over-burdened to deal with it.
R.J.A. & E.L.B.


Rita Abrams: ISBN 9780931432170


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