Livewire Media, an educational company, hired Rita to write 13 songs for POPCORN PARK, a series of 6 DVDs in both English and Spanish geared toward children grade K-5.
Written by David Elkind and Freddy Sweet, Ph.D., the DVDs entertain while helping teachers discuss core social values. They can also be used for discussion in English as a Second Language classes.
Video Excerpts:
"Respect / Respeto " (5.5 MB) "Fairness / Justicia " (5.5 MB)
Rita's frequent creative collaborators, Lee Armstrong and Kamela Portuges of Images in Motion Media, created the puppets and designed the production for Livewire. You can learn more about them
"Leaders in the field of child and youth guidance, producers David Elkind and Freddy Sweet have created another winner with this lighthearted (but strong-minded) series that mixes realistic scenarios and solid ethics with kid-friendly humor and bouncy sing-along songs. Highly recommended."
-Randy Pitman, The Video Librarian
"The educational and entertaining content of this well-planned series makes it a must purchase for school media centers and public libraries."
-Carol Y. Barker, School Library Journal
- KIDS FIRST! Endorsement - Coalition for Quality Children's Media
- Distinguished Achievement Award - Association of Educational Publishers
- Parents' Choice Award - Parents' Choice Foundation
- Honors - National Parenting Publications Awards
- Creative Excellence Award - U.S. International Film and Video Festival
- 2004 Awards Portfolio Winner - Media & Methods Magazine

These DVD videos are available from
Live Wire Media
1-800-359-KIDS (5437)
Please mention that you saw it on Rita's site.
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